Welcome to Guerrilla Mail
De: no-reply@guerrillamail.com, À: xpcusvmb, Reçu le 09:47:48
Dear Random User, Thank you for using Guerrilla Mail - your temporary email address friend and spam fighter's ally! Your disposable email address has been created ready for use. Email: xpcusvmb@sharklasers.com Tips & Notes: - You can change this email address! Place your mouse over the email at the top of this page and click to edit. - If you have a subscription, you can change this default email address to your subscribed address. The system will attempt to set a cookie so that it will try to remember your subscription for the next visit. - Once you change to a new address, the old address will remain available, simply change back to it. (Note: email is kept for 1 hour) - Waiting for your mail? There is no need to refresh the page, new emails will be added to the list as they come in. - All Emails are deleted after 1 hour. - Subscriptions are available: Benefits include: forwarding, use of other domains. Click on the back the "« Back to inbox" to go back to the mail list Thanks, Guerrilla Mail Team http://www.guerrillamail.com/ "Free to download, but you have to give your email address so they can inevitably attempt to sell you stuff in the future? guerrillamail.com FTW!" Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/GuerrillaMail https://twitter.com/GuerrillaMail